Saturday, September 17, 2022

Sons, knights, kings, stars born every day, baby boomers to note, over the rainbows, pots of gold in the house, retired, and relaxed.

 Erica Solano Erica Solano Student at LA Mission College Changes in the air, chicks, babes, and dames, tips to keep a lover, friend, or family member, coins to flip. Sons, knights, kings, stars born every day, baby boomers to note, over the rainbows, pots of gold in the house, retired, and relaxed.

Raymond Alcala 
Raymond Alcala 
Capital A Enterprise 

Rats To Races, Free Rides, Holiday Hits And Misses, Joys To The Worlds.choose your class:Lots of love, lots of shit, lots of frogs in groups, family affairs.Fruits and Nuts: Gifts given for the bad blood stories told.Sinner, Saint, Seasons Of Songs, Dances In The Streets,Wishes On Stars,Dreams In Motions, Giving Thanks Daily, Another Great Day To Be Living.Cheers For Rights

Creativity, Is Intelligence And Imagination Having Fun". TIME TO TURN THE PAGE: Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves. I was smiling yesterday. Was not expecting that... GROOVE! Blue Dreams In Motions: Dances On Time:Sons, knights, kings, stars born every day, baby boomers to note, over the rainbows, pots of gold in the house, retired, and relaxed.
May be a meme of text

Liked the shot, liked the dance, liked the joy and pains, in the moments, lost in time, thanks for the view, in what is fun to you. Angel to me, the head angel in the sky, she watches over me, with goodness and mercy, the other angels for me. I travel in the land of threes, times three, in the world of nines. Numbers to last to the top of the sky, there are not limits to the dreams, and wishes, on stars, that the young at heart has.

Dreams of boats on the piers, castles to call home, hits and misses, winners and losers, players of the games of love and hate, dances on the beaches, dances in the night, good times to share..... dances on the sands of time, fairy in the light of day. ·

Classes On American Birds:Owls, Eagle, Angels in host, daily events. Love, luck, lessons, dicks, dawgs, and dates on the side of the road. Joys and pains, liars, cheaters, crooks, snakes and frogs kissed, or not, pages in books, reviews to complete. Sons, knights, kings, stars born every day, baby boomers to note, over the rainbows, pots of gold in the house, retired, and relaxed.

Sons, knights, kings, stars born every day, baby boomers to note, over the rainbows, pots of gold in the house, retired, and relaxed.Daphne Anderson Veteran Certified Agent to your network.

The soul is like an uninhabited world that comes to life only when the Creator lays his head against us.Houses to sell, will not close, without, UCC transfer forms. Terminations recorded, transfer that, MFers,Spruce Power,937TH ATTEMPT: My Brother's Keeper.Shabbot Shalom to life and good health, thank you Melissa .HOLY CRAP"Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common.

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